Some of my strategies for applying to Unity Programming Jobs

I have had to apply for a new job three times in the last five years. One could assume I've had a certain amount of practice. I would like to show you how I approach applications and what works for me.

Be nice to LinkedIn recruiters who take the trouble to read your profile and make you suitable job offers. If you're not interested, you should still keep in touch and connect with them.

If possible, write a suitable cover letter for each application. If you're having a hard time writing a cover letter for a particular job, then the job may not be for you. Also you can use the tone of the cover letter to get a clue if the team will resonate with your personality.

Take notes before starting an interview.

  • Who is taking part in the conversation? Use LinkedIn and Google to find out about your conversation partners.
  • What do you know about the studio? Who founded it and when? What games is it known for and why do you like them?
  • Why do you want to work there? What are the company values? What do you like about the company / the team / the project?
  • What skills do you have in particular that help the company and fit the position? Does your CV reflect these skills? Can you derive examples of your skills from your CV that match the position?
  • What is your weakness? Do you need to improve your English? Do you find it difficult to continue your education alongside your job? What are you doing to overcome this weakness? Can you turn it into a strength?
  • Prepare some questions. Try to find questions that won't necessarily be covered in a normal interview, so you're sure to have some ready:
    • What can you tell me about the project I’ll work on?
    • What does your workflow and pipeline look like?
    • What’s the size of the team I’ll be working with?
    • How long is the probation period?
    • Is there an education package?
    • Do you work on PC or on Mac?
  • If you take notes, some of them will go into your memory and you rarely have to pay attention to your notes later in the call.

Take notes during the call

  • Write down your desired salary. It can vary from application to application and you don't want to mix things up in later communication.
  • Write down the benefits, the duration of the probationary period and details about the project. Be sure to note any obvious downsides as well.

Always write a follow up after an interview. Say thanks for the interview and show further interest, if you want to move on. Ask questions if you can think of any.

Don't ghost any of your potential employers. Keep them up to date and always communicate when they can expect your feedback.

Be honest. If you have several applications or even offers, tell them about your options and that you want to take some time to make the best decision. You don’t need to be overly specific. Just tell them that you have other applications going or that you already have X offers. The companies are aware anyway that you will probably also apply for other positions and so you don't have to make excuses if two interviews would overlap or if you communicate your schedule towards your final choise.

Create a status table. For each application, you then write 

  • the name of the studio
  • the job title
  • how you made contact
  • who your contact person is
  • how far you have come (sent, 1st call, 2nd call, offer, rejection...)
  • comments (probation period, vacancy days, benefits, downsides)
  • a copy (!) of the job offer. The link to the job offer could be invalid tomorrow and you want to refer to the requirements when preparing for the interview.

In the course of your application processes, you can move the entries up or down and thus create a ranking. Also you can color code some cells to show if something is a clear fit or a huge downside. The table is your main reminder and helps you to coordinate your applications and make good decisions.

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